Monday, 15 November 2010

Further Images of War & A Child's Perspective


Sunflowers 'For Most of it I Have No Words' - Simon Norfolk

Scene of Mass Shootings 'For Most of it I Have No Words' - Simon Norfolk


Untitled 'For Most of it I Have No Words' - Simon Norfolk


Former Prison 'For Most of it I Have No Words' - Simon Norfolk

 This final image leads me onto my next topic of reseach. Though the artist behind this drawing is unknown its child-like style made me think about a childs perspective on war and death, especially because the lead characters in Hansel and Gretel are children. Children's views are best shown through their art  so I have researched into artwork post 9/11.

9/11 & Children

Talal Jaradat age 10 Doomsday 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

 Andrew Emil 11 years old Memorial 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

Charles Ill IV 14 years old They Saw, They Conquered, We Cried 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

Jie Zheng 18 Years old Untitled 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

Joel Cruz 8 years old Untitled 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

Julian Cortez 7 years old & Paul Keim 8 years old Untitled 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

 Melanie Cohn 8 years old Untitled 'The Day Our World Changed- Children's Art of 9/11'

Pop- Up Books
This work has lead me into wanting to look at further children's art, this time I want to look at art aimed at children rather than by them. For this I have looked at a pop up book entitled;
 'Alice in (pop up) wonderland' by J. Otto Seibold.

  Below are some images from the book;


Because of the links of the play to childhood, I may decide to design the set as though it were a pop up book with a lot of the set and props looking very flat and 2 dimensional particularly inside the witches house as I feel it is necessary for it to look quite staged anyway.

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